Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!

Get a taste of ML and go from ZERO-TO-HERO using India's ONLY example-driven experiential workshop, with market insights and a roadmap to pivot to ML roles!

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Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Abbhinav Venkat
Founder and CEO, 123 of AI

About the Course

Get a taste of ML and go from ZERO-TO-HERO using India's ONLY example-driven experiential workshop!

Learn important ML fundamentals and the Roadmap to a 50-Lakh ML Career!

Along with the workshop, you will get bonuses worth Rs. 10,000/- for FREE!

  • Video Series and Code: Walkthrough step-by-step implementation of a classic object detector (Convolutional Neural Network) on the Cifar 10 dataset.
  • Top 10 ML FAANG Interview Questions: Find out the most frequently asked questions (with answers) in Machine Learning Interviews at the Big Tech - Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc.
  • Cheat Sheet on Mathematics for Machine Learning: A quick summary of all the key formulae used across ML algorithms. Perfect for a last-minute revision!
  • 3 Effective Patterns of Prompting with ChatGPT: Get the most out of GPT by finding out the right construct of a prompt, along with the 3 most effective patterns to frame your prompt (with examples).
  • Top 3 AI Tools to Save You 10+ Hours: Have you adopted the latest the world of Generative AI offers in your learning and research workflows? Find out the top 3 tools that will save you 10+ hours each time!

Course Content

  • Why is now the right time to enter Machine Learning? Is there an easy role to pivot into?
  • Let's Learn from Fishes! Example Driven Learning, with 10+ foundational concepts visualized (Ground Truth, Decision Boundaries, Non-linearity, Generalisation, Overfitting, etc.)
  • Types of problems - Classification, Regression, and Clustering.
  • Your First ML Algorithm: KNN, its analysis, voronoi cells, etc.
  • Workbook 1 - Let's Implement KNN!
  • Outliers, Noisy Data, Cross-Validation
  • Learning Standards: Hyperparameters, Weighted-KNN, Dataset Splits, I.I.D, Assumptions. Let's improve Workbook 1!
  • Evolution of ML Algorithms: From Rule-Based Systems to Self-Learning Algorithms
  • Workbook 2: Let's code up and train a toy 'Neural Network LIVE'! An example walkthrough to classify an image into a type of clothing (shirt, pants, shoe, etc).
  • Types of algorithms: Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised (based on the availability of data)
  • 8-Week ROADMAP to go from 0 to 90 in ML.  
  • GIFTS!


Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Swarnadeep Mondol (Technology Consultant)
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" I have 17 years of experience as a senior consultant, and have attended many workshops in my life - ABBHINAV FEATURES AMONGST THE BEST! The highlight was his teaching style. The music was morale-boosting and a terrific idea. Unlike other workshops which show a boring banner or a stupid clock, this was very refreshing. He never let our energy go down while navigating difficult topics. Doubts were cleared without any confusion in a crisp and no "beating around the bush" manner. Helped us in being glued to the class. Really Enjoyed the session!"

Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Bala Mukund (Mann-Hummel, Ex-Bosch, IIM Bangalore)
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"Having been a seasoned professional in a different field for nearly two decades, my experience with coding dates back to my college years. However, post the workshop and longer course, I've gradually begun to grasp the intricacies of coding, particularly in the context of machine learning. So, in retrospect, it's fair to say that I've gone from a novice to a proficient user – a true transformation from zero to hero. Thanks: 123of AI"

Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Soumyadeep Das (Data Analyst)
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"The clarity of communication in explaining the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning with the utmost dexterity and intensity was engaging and enriching! I joined the longer 2-month program after this bootcamp!"

Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Gulshan Sharma (Senior Manager @ Lifeworks, IIIT-B)
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"The 3-hour workshop is a power-packed one where Abbhinav shares the intuition behind a few models in a way that a novice can understand. I highly recommend his teaching style, which helps us synthesize all his knowledge with utmost clarity."

Introductory Boot Camp: 3 Hours!
Trishika Boyila (Data Scientist @ Omdena)
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"I recently attended a 2-day weekend boot camp led by Abbhinav, and I must say it was an enlightening experience. His unique teaching style combined with the hands-on practical sessions made complex machine-learning concepts easy to grasp. It’s one thing to learn about algorithms in theory, but seeing them in action and being guided by someone as knowledgeable as Abbhinav was truly invaluable. All doubts were addressed promptly. I highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone looking to delve into the world of machine learning."